Try to plan your date as early as possible to ensure my availability. I also like to be spontaneous, but I can't guarantee anything.
The best way is to use the contact form. I will write back as soon as possible. Please note that I'm not always able to answer calls. If you would like to discuss something personally, please note this in your completed contact form and I will call you back at your preferred time.
That is entirely up to us. We can meet at a restaurant, a bar, or for a relaxed walk. Or I can come directly to your hotel room.
For first-time bookings, I ask for a 20% deposit in advance. Please hand me the remaining amount at the beginning of our meeting in an unsealed envelope, without being prompted.
I am happy to fulfill any wishes that are within the bounds of legality and also bring me joy. Please write your ideas as precisely as possible, and I will see what can be done.
Solltest du ein Treffen kurzfristig (innerhalb 7 Tage vor unserem Date) stornieren müssen, behalte ich die 20% Anzahlung als Entschädigung. Cancelst Du rechtzeitig vor unserem geplanten Date, schreibe ich Dir Deine Anzahlung wieder gut.
Personal hygiene and a well-groomed appearance are very important to me. I always show up to every date freshly showered and with brushed teeth, and I expect the same from you. Please also wash your hands and intimate area with soap after using the bathroom. After any outdoor activity, I kindly ask you to wash your hands with soap once you return to the hotel room.
You can't like everyone, and that's perfectly fine. If you feel uncomfortable in any way, please let me know immediately, and we will find a fair solution. If this happens right at the beginning of our meeting and we haven't become particularly intimate, I will refund you part of the fee.
I also reserve the right to end our meeting. Naturally, in such a case, I will refund you the full fee.
"I am open to a ménage à trois. Bring your girlfriend and simply add 50% to the agreed fee, or ask me and I will bring one of my escort friends. In this case, she will receive the same fee as I do.
It is an absolute no-go to have sex without a condom. If you ask for or try to enforce this, I will consider it a reason to immediately terminate the date. Please note that in this case, I will not refund your fee.